![Planet Earth a safe and nurturing](https://sanfranciscoewaste.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Earth-Day-2019_-Pledge-to-be-Green-for-a-Greener-Economy-.png)
11 Mar Earth Day 2019: Pledge to be Green for a Greener Economy
This 22nd April 2019 marks the 49th anniversary of Earth Day which this time will circumnavigate around the endangered and threatened species hanging on for the dear life on the brink of extinction. The rise of Industrialization and Globalization around the world has severely upset the balance of nature and has put at risk the survival of some of the quintessential species of our environment.
Today, our world is witnessing the most accelerating rate of extension of the species like bees, coral reefs, elephants, giraffes, insects, whales and more, the crisis which is demanding united and integrative actions of consumers, voters, educators, faith leaders, and scientists and the implementation of strict policies to significantly slow down this peaking rate and to recover the survival rate of the rapidly declining species.
The current wave of extinction of natural species can also be accredited to the rate that which we humans are rendering the old, retired, unwanted and obsolete electronic gadgets and equipment to the landfills polluting and degrading our biosphere. The purity and quality of our water and land resources are what decides the survival rate of the n number of species that feed on them, the resources which are poisoning and contaminating with the heaps and heaps of electronic waste lying ideal in the landfills waiting to be recycled and properly disposed.
This improper, unsafe and environmentally unfriendly ways of disposing of electronic waste is also, in turn, increasing the production and manufacturing of the electronic waste, giving rise to the lethal and toxic industrial residue, polluting the environment and making it harmful for the numerous species to survive and thrive on.
This Earth Day let’s take a pledge towards making the Planet Earth a safe and nurturing paradise for the declining, endangered and threatened species so they can nurture themselves and recover their survival rate which must be started with the recycling, reusing and the remarketing of the thousands of pounds of electronic waste that Americans generate year on year.
To help convert the linear economy we are currently living in into a full-fledged circular economy, San Francisco E-waste can be your partner. For all your end-of-life electronic gadgets and IT assets, San Francisco E-waste has proper means and verified and qualified process and technology to recycle and dispose them of. Each and every element of your electronic waste will go through a thorough analysis and inspection to retrieve the most valuable metals and material so that they can be brought to use again and you can get the maximum value out of your e-waste.
Curb the large scale production and the manufacturing of the electronics by using what you currently have, optimally and if not, give them to those who might need them.
We are waiting for your support towards making Earth a greener planet once again this Earth Day.
Reach out to our team or request a pickup of your electronic waste; we just need your corporation so that we can achieve our Earth Day goals.