23 Mar Peace of Mind Through Safe Shredding
As business owners we cannot be too careful with our data. In order to protect your company and employees, the right decision is to use a data destruction company , once your electronics are deemed no longer useful. When your CPUs, laptops, printers,…
servers, telephone networks, and mobile devices are ready, those who professionally destruct sensitive information are experts and guarantee that your security will not be breached.
When mere recycling and office shredding are not appropriate, a state-of-the-art data shredder will take on the job for you. Your assets will be eliminated safely and you will be assured that your susceptible information will not be in harm’s way, or get into the wrong hands. Using an array of data destruction techniques from overwriting of the hard drive to actual physical destruction, your assets can be destroyed either at your workplace or offsite. Being compliant with the laws under the Department of Defense, safe shredding is how we keep you safe. Once eliminated, your company will receive a certificate stating and ensuring that your company is released from all hazards linked to the end-of-life associations with your electronics.